Our goal at SEDC is to help educators identify their needs and to assist in providing the avenues to meet those needs. Our team continually seeks out new knowledge, implementing best practices to deliver exceptional services and learning opportunities.
The specific services are described throughout this website. Here is a manual of the services we provide .
How do I contact an SEDC Specialist?
SEDC is located in Cedar City, Utah at the following address (click for map). All Staff can be reached at the main SEDC phone number below. You will also find their email address included with their bio.
Southwest Educational Development Center
520 West 800 South
Cedar City, UT 84720
Telephone – (435) 586-2865
Fax – (435) 586-2868
Learn more about our team members below.
- Joe B. Wright: SEDC Executive Director
SEDC Executive Director, Joe B. Wright
Joe B. Wright has been the Executive Director of the Southwest Educational Development Center since 2018. Joe B. was born and raised in Kanab, Utah. He is a graduate of Kanab High School, Southern Utah University, Northern Arizona University, and Northcentral University. He holds a Bachelors degree in Social Science Education, a Masters degree in Educational Leadership, a second Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and is currently pursuing an Educational Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership and Technology. He has experience as a teacher, Athletic Director, Elementary School Principal, Special Education Director, and Superintendent. Joe B. and his wife Staci have two beautiful daughters and two adorable sons.
SEDC’s mission is to provide educators with the services that will allow them to spend their time wisely in creating and presenting excellent classroom instruction, assuring that the students of today receive the skills they need for tomorrow. SEDC strives to successfully meet the needs of students and teachers, promote achievement, and provide for economy and efficiency in the cooperative delivery of educational services that are identified and requested by member schools and Executive Board Members.
Our goal at SEDC is to help educators and administrators identify their needs and to assist in providing the avenues to meet those needs. Our team is continually seeking out new resources and knowledge while implementing best practices to deliver services and learning opportunities in a variety of mediums.
Email Joe B. at joeb@sedck12.org
Joe B. has completed the certifications below:
- Selene Corbridge: Office Manager
Office Manager, Selene Corbridge
Selene Corbridge is the Office Manager for Southwest Educational Development Center in Cedar City, UT. She is responsible for the daily operation and activities of the center. These responsibilities include; tracking of revenue, accounts payable and receivable, requisitions for purchase orders, preparing payroll, preparing invoices for assessments, and monitoring employee contracts. Selene prepares correspondence for SEDC’s Executive Board and keeps minutes for their monthly board meetings.
In addition, Selene is the Administrator for the Southwest Sterling Scholar program. This includes managing budgets, planning board meetings, scheduling and working to have everything run smoothly.
Lastly, Selene is a welcoming presence in the office. She answers phones, greets visitors and maintains a professional atmosphere for those who visit and work at SEDC.
Contact Selene by email: selene@sedck12.org
- Clint Stephens: Technology Integration & Data Specialist
Technology Integration, Professional Learning & Data Specialist, Clint Stephens
Regional Technology Integration Specialist Clint Stephens brings twelve years classroom experience to SEDC. Clint was awarded the Utah Middle School Science Teacher of the Year award by his peers and also won several technology innovation grants & awards. He has taught secondary science in Escalante, Hurricane and Salt Lake City, and has been helping teachers in the SEDC region for over 14 years.
If you would like Clint to provide a technology training at your school, make a request to your Principal or district technology coordinator. They will work with Clint to get you the tools and knowledge you need to successfully integrate technology into your instruction.
Have a date in mind? Take a look at his calendar.
Looking for his blog? His training resources, tutorials, and handouts are available at http://edtech.zone or follow him on Twitter.
Email Clint at clint@sedck12.org
Clint has completed the certifications below:
- Chris Haught: Technology/Media Mentor & Autism Assistant
Technology & Media Mentor and Autism Secretary, Chris Haught
She can help with all your multimedia & physical media needs such as printing of large format posters, READ Posters, scheduling IVC conferences, and more. Chris works closely with the Region’s librarians providing support and training on Utah’s Online Library, our Regional Overdrive library, our KOHA library system, Digital Citizenship and and other topics, including the yearly Southern Utah Media Specialists (SUMS) Conference. She is also a board member of UIMC and UELMA.
Chris is part of the Technology Training team, assisting in Website development, Data, Research Skills, Google Apps, Virtual Field Trips and more.
As the assistant to the Autism Director, Chris provides support to the teachers in the region using the Relias Program, as well as planning the annual Autism Conference.
Chris can also help answer questions about the Southwest Utah Sterling Scholar Program and Competition.
Check out Chris’ blog here for more information.
Email Chris at chrish@sedck12.org
Chris has completed the certifications below:
- Scott Harpster: Systems Engineer
Systems Engineer, Scott Harpster
Scott Harpster has been with SEDC since 2011 and prior was an intern for 3 years. He provides support to district technology directors as well as offering support in data backups, wired and wireless network evaluation, security camera implementation, data synchronization, VoIP phones, content filtering, firewalls, DNS, network monitoring, Aspire technical support, virtualization, Active Directory, and security.
He holds a Bachelors degree in Information Systems, a Masters degree in Cyber Security and Information Assurance, both obtained from Southern Utah University.
Contact Scott at (435) 586-2865 or by email at scott@sedck12.org
- McKay Thompson: Systems Specialist
Systems Specialist, McKay Thompson
McKay Thompson, the System’s Specialist, provides professional technical help and support to district and charter school technology directors and other support staff. McKay provides expert support for Windows, Mac, Linux, firewalls, hardware configuration, and networking.
Email McKay at mckayt@sedck12.org
- Paul Day: Director of Autism Services
Director of Autism Services, Paul Day
Paul Day is a school psychologist and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. He has been working in the field of autism for the past 25 years. Paul has been an autism specialist for school districts for over 20 years. His specialty is developing ABA based intervention programs for students with autism. He has won awards such as Autism Educator of the Year and Disabilities Advocate of the Year.
Paul is a resource serving families and professionals who live and work with children with autism in the SEDC Region. He provides training, support, and consultation to school directors, autism specialists, teachers, and parents about appropriate support for students with Autism, ages 3 through 21. He will work with educators and parents in a six-county area: Millard, Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, and Washington. His main focus is to build the capacity of school district personnel to implement effective interventions for students with autism.
Annual Autism Conference Information
Email Paul at paul@sedck12.org
- Emily Sagendorf: Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Emily Sagendorf
Emily Sagendorf has been working in the behavior field for over 10 years. She has earned her BCaBA, BCBA and SSW licenses. She has a bachelor’s in Family Life Studies from Utah State University and a master’s of Special Education with an emphasis in Behavior Analysis from the University of Utah. Emily’s focus has been children from 2-18 years old and she specialized in Autism and high problem behaviors. As a Behavior Analyst, she has worked in private practice, with insurance programs, national providers and in the school system. She has had amazing mentors along the way and feels that she learns something new from everyone she meets.
Her favorite area to implement behavior change is in the school because there is such great possibility for success! She loves sharing her experience with teachers and professionals. She is also an adjunct professor at Southern Utah University where she teaches upcoming teachers about behavior management in the classroom.Email Emily at emilys@sedck12.org
- Trujillo Amy: Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Trujillo Amy
Trujillo Amy, SEDC’s Clinical Mental Health Counselor Trujillo Amy is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor. He and his wife have six amazing and rambunctious children. Trujillo has lived in five states and two countries. He grew up as a cowboy and is a professional horse trainer and farrier. He speaks Spanish. He went to Southern Utah University and Utah State University. He enjoys playing the guitar, hiking with his family, and eating his wife’s delicious cinnamon rolls.
Trujillo provides individual, family, and group mental health counseling to students in middle school and high school. Students can be referred to him through school principals or school counselors. Trujillo’s passion is helping individuals and families be healthy and successful.
Email Trujillo at trujillo@sedck12.org