UEN’s Homeroom Podcast
UEN’s Jared Covili (@covili ) and Dani K. Sloan (@DaniKSloan ) host a new podcast for educators called UEN’s Homeroom. This podcast is UEN’s chance to tell the stories and talk about the issues impacting Utah’s amazing teachers. They plan to feature educators and leaders from across the state of Utah in a fun and informative bi-monthly podcast.
SEDC’s very own Clint Stephens is featured in Episode 2 to discuss how technology is helping rural teachers improve student learning. You can listen to that podcast below. Like it and want to hear more? Subscribe to the podcast series on iTunes or with the RSS feed. Not a regular podcast listener but would like to hear more? You can listen to back episodes on the podcast archive page . If you like it, subscribe and let the folks on Twitter know about it – #uenhomeroom