Director of Autism Services, Paul Day Paul Day is a school psychologist and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. He has been working in the field…
McKay Thompson: Systems Specialist
Systems Specialist, McKay Thompson McKay Thompson, the System’s Specialist, provides professional technical help and support to district and charter school technology directors and other support staff….
Clint Stephens: Technology Integration & Data Specialist
Technology Integration, Professional Learning & Data Specialist, Clint Stephens Regional Technology Integration Specialist Clint Stephens brings twelve years classroom experience to SEDC. Clint was awarded…
Selene Corbridge: Office Manager
Office Manager, Selene Corbridge Selene Corbridge is the Office Manager for Southwest Educational Development Center in Cedar City, UT. She is responsible for the daily…
Joe B. Wright: SEDC Executive Director
SEDC Executive Director, Joe B. Wright Joe B. Wright has been the Executive Director of the Southwest Educational Development Center since 2018. Joe B. was born…
Last year SEDC developed eSTRIDE to deliver fiction eBooks to high school students in the region. This has been well received by students and librarians…
Last year SEDC developed eSTRIDE to deliver fiction eBooks to high school students in the region. This has been well received by students and librarians…
eStride News
This regional eBook project called eSTRIDE provides anytime, anywhere, engaging library resources for these underserved students by delivering eBooks for 9th-12th grade students and…
Lucidchart & Lucidpress
SEDC and Lucidchart/Lucidpress SEDC is a strong supporter of Google Apps for Education. Lucidchart and Lucidpress are online diagramming and layout applications included in…
SEDC Chromebooks Conference, December 10 2013
SEDC Chromebooks Conference Notes & ResourcesDecember 10, 2013 at the Iron County District Offices Introductions and Welcome – Randy Johnson & Cory Stokes Randy…