Autism Cohort Training (ACT): Professional Development for Autism Staff
SEDC is committed to develop on-site expertise in assisting autistic children at the district/school/classroom levels creating responsive and immediate services and education for children.
In order to achieve this goal, we have purchased an on-line professional development program (Relias Learning Autistim Professional Development ) that will provide professional training in a format that will allow staff to increase their knowledge and skill as they provide services for children with autism.
The staff will also participate in collaboration committees that will guide in implementing systems to assist children with autism at the classroom level. These meetings will be set up by the administrator through the directors.
The program also includes a parent training component. This component will be made available to the parents of children with autism to help in creating communication points between staff and parents. It will allow for parents to have input and greater understanding of what the staff is implementing creating a positive working team consisting of parents and staff.
ACT Members can access the Online Program here.
For more information, please contact SEDC at 435-586-2865