After a successful professional development and collaboration phase (link to our Canvas PD Course), we are transitioning to Phase 2 of our EdTech PLC Project. This phase includes 3 activities:
  • On-Site Mentoring
  • Classroom Project Facilitation
  • Local Professional Development
Now that the Year 1 training is complete, Clint, Cory and/or Chris will work with each PLC cohort teacher to schedule three separate classroom visits over the course of the second year of EdTech PLC involvement.
There are several purposes to the Year 2 visits. First, we will mentor best practices with technology integration in the classroom and model best practices of the tools and skills learned last year. We will also help teachers plan and carry out a student-centered, technology infused project or unit, guiding students to successfully complete authentic projects and utilizing the skills and tools mastered during the Year 1 instruction. In addition, we will collect student project artifacts and/or record video of the project in progress, providing any help needed for successful completion and documentation these projects. Teachers will reflect and document the successes and failures of the project. All of these materials will be posted to the SEDC Web site to share with the other PLC members and the world at large.
Lastly, SEDC will provide any help and support needed for PLC teachers to carry out and provide at least one professional development training opportunity for their district or charter school. We will collaborate with the teacher, Technology Director and Principals to determine what the training needs are and will help facilitate the scheduling and execution of the training(s).
We are really looking forward to our continued work with this amazing group of educators, and to see what they will be able to accomplish with their students and schools. We thank them for their continued dedication and hard work!