SWANK Media Streaming & Licensing

SWANK K-12 media streaming service logo

Swank provides comprehensive movie and licensing solutions for K-12 schools. Featuring over 40,000 movies and documentaries, the streaming library was specifically built to help schools and educators avoid the hassle of managing DVD equipment and blocked personal streaming sites. Use it for day-to-day instruction and curriculum support. Or, secure 24/7 copyright licensing to show movies for any reason, both inside and outside your school.

SWANK provides two services to K-12 Schools:

Licensing-This covers movies where a teacher may have a legally obtained copy of the movie, such as a DVD that has been purchased or rented. Educators can search to see if a movie is covered here.

Streaming-The Portal links below will allow educators to find and stream movies in the classroom or school.

Frequently Asked Questions (click the question to reveal the answer):

Q. I have a legally obtained copy of a movie but it is not available for streaming in SWANK, may I still show it?

A. Educators can search for licensed movies here, many movies are covered under the license, but may not be available for streaming. If a movie is listed, an educator may use a legally obtained (purchased or rented DVD) to show.

Q. The movie I want is not listed for licensing or streaming in SWANK?

A. Many older movies and documentaries have “fallen out of copyright” and may be publicly available. If you have a question about a movie, please contact Chris Haught (chris@sedck12.org).

Q. I searched for a movie and it says I have to request it?

A. Educators can request a movie to be added to the collection and their LEA representative will be notified of the request.

Educators can login using the links and information below. The specific teacher guide for each LEA identifies your administrator who will be able to approve additional titles for use. SWANK is available to these participating LEA’s:

Update January 21, 2025

If you are redirected to this page when trying to use the portal, you will need to clear your browsing data on Google Chrome using these instructions.

Beaver PortalDistrict Teacher Guide

Garfield PortalDistrict Teacher Guide

George Washington Academy PortalCharter Teacher Guide

Iron PortalDistrict Teacher Guide

Kane PortalDistrict Teacher Guide

Millard PortalDistrict Teacher Guide

St. George Academy PortalCharter Teacher Guide

Utah Arts PortalCharter Teacher Guide

Valley Academy PortalCharter Teacher Guide

Vista Academy PortalCharter Teacher Guide