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Reimagine Teaching is a professional learning program built to provide support for and offer recognition to Utah educators as they prepare for the challenge of online and blended teaching in response to COVID-19 conditions. As we all know, today’s teaching environment presents unique opportunities for educators to adapt their teaching to this new kind of instruction. In support and recognition of your efforts, once you fulfill the program requirements, you will be awarded a $200 electronic gift card!

Have you participated in 4+ hours of professional development from your district, SEDC or UEN since June 1? If so, you have already met the program requirements! If not, there are more than 40 scheduled webinars, workshops, and online training sessions are currently available and more are being added every day.

  • Workshops are designed to be flexible to fit within busy back-to-school and planning schedules. View the upcoming courses offered through SEDC and through UEN >
  • Programs are curated by UEN and include instruction from trusted experts and nationally recognized institutional partners and organizations.
  • Teachers will learn how to adapt their instruction, engage students remotely, and assess how students are learning online.

Who in K-12 are eligible? All teachers, administrators and other certified instructors (Counselors, Library-Media, Tech Specialists). 

Learn more about the Reimagine Teaching program, or sign up now!