Assessment & Intervention for Practitioners

Math Endorsement Course 6 of 6 – EDUC 5550 for K-8 Teachers

Math Endorsement Flyer Fall 2020 EDUC 5550

Register Now

(link in above flyer inactive without download)

UVU Admissions ApplicationCourse Registration InstructionsDownload Flyer in PDF

We are ready to start registration for the Fall 2020 Math Endorsement Class: K-8 EDUC 5550 Assessment & Intervention for Practitioners.  This is the sixth and final course in the series.  Even if you did not take the first five courses, you are welcome to register and take this course.

This class will be held weekly on Mondays starting August 31 through December 7, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm. We will offer this class to teachers around the state using a video conferencing system.

Here is SEDC’s LINK to register for the class and to distribute to others. This link will only register you with SEDC you will also need to complete UVU registration for college credit.  You must register with both SEDC and UVU. 

There is a flyer attached to print and share with others who may be interested.

Cost: (Please be aware that the USBE STEM Endorsement Incentive Grant was only for courses taken in FY 20.  These funds are no longer available.  You will be responsible to pay the following costs)

SEDC: There is a charge of $210.00 per endorsement class taken through SEDC (if you are planning on your District/Charter to pay for this charge, please contact them and receive approval prior to registering).

Utah Valley University: UVU charges $15.00 per credit for class credit. This is a three credit class. So tuition will be $45.00 (there is a one time admission fee of $35.00 if you have never taken a class from UVU). 


Please register through UVU for the Fall 2020 endorsement class TODAY.  Do not wait as it is important that teachers be registered prior to the start of class.  There are two attachments that provide complete and detailed instructions on how to register:

  • UVU Endorsement Program Online Admissions Instructions.  ONLY teachers who are taking their first UVU endorsement class need to go through the Admission process.  All teachers who have previously been admitted into the Endorsement Program and have an activated UVU ID# can ignore these instructions and go directly to the Online Registration Instructions.  All other teachers must first be admitted to the UVU Endorsement Program – even if you previously attended UVU as an undergraduate.   Do NOT try to complete this online application on your own as some of the information is critical to being admitted as an endorsement student – so follow carefully the attached step-by-step Admission Instructions.

  • Online Registration Instructions.  Once you have been admitted into the Endorsement Program and received your UVU ID# via an email sent 2-3 days after paying the $15/$35 admission fee, you should follow the attached Online Registration Instructions.   And remember after successfully registering, you must complete the last step in the instructions and pay the $45 per course registration fee.

John Allan is the UVU Endorsement Program Coordinator.  If you have concerns and/or questions related to UVU or the Endorsement Program, he is the person to contact.  He will respond quickly to all emails and phone messages and will assist you in getting the answer or solving the problem.  His contact information is as follows: John W. Allan, Endorsement Program Coordinator – Utah Valley University, School of Education Email: Phone: (801)  863-7614.