
More and more of our districts are considering and going with Chromebooks from Google as a way to quickly and easily deploy large numbers of devices for student use. All of our rural districts (Beaver, Garfield and Kane) are currently 1-1, every student has a Chromebook at their disposal for 24-7 anywhere anytime learning and our larger districts are increasing that ratio all of the time.

Chrome Devices offer student access to their Google Apps, anything on the Internet, and a great collection of educational apps, but without much of the setup, deployment and management hassles of traditional Mac/PC operating systems. SEDC would like to facilitate the collaboration of our districts in the deployment and management of these Chrome devices.
To facilitate the collaboration within our region, we’ve set up a Chromebooks Users Group where we can ask questions and post solutions and best practices. Let us know if you’d like to be a member of this group.