Parent/Student Declaration: This form is to be signed by the both the student and parents. It is to be submitted to SEDC by the due…
Nominee Information Sheet
Nominee Information Sheet: This sheet is to be filled out by the school coordinator and turned into SEDC informing the committee who has been selected…
Important Dates 2016-2017
Selection of School Sterling Scholars and Nomination Sheets due at SEDC Thursday, December 15, 2016 Photographs of Finalists Uploaded, Group Pictures Uploaded, & Parent…
Sterling Scholar Awards
This statewide academic competition recognizes the achievements of Utah’s high school seniors in 15 different categories: Agriculture Science, Business and Marketing, Computer Technology, Dance, English, Family and…
Sterling Scholar Awards
The purpose of the Sterling Scholar Awards is to publicly recognize and encourage the pursuit of excellence in scholarship, leadership, and citizenship of high school…