For Immediate Release: 

SEDC Sterling Scholar – Virtual Competition, Banquet Cancelled

Following the recommendations of Governor Herbert, the Utah Health Department, the Utah System of Higher Education Leaders and the Utah State Board of Education, the Southwest Educational Development Center and Dixie State University have made the decision to postpone the annual Southwest Regional Sterling Scholar competition that had been scheduled to occur at DSU on April 2, 2020. 

The typical events of the Sterling Scholar competition will not be able to occur this year. However, we understand the great amount of work that has already been done and the importance of awarding the scholarships to these deserving students. We are currently making plans to hold the interview portion of the competition virtually on April 2nd. Students and judges will meet via video conference on that day without requiring any travel or groups in close physical proximity. The annual banquet will not be held and has been cancelled for this year. The announcement of winners will be done on a date later to be determined. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all of the Sterling Scholar stakeholders. The safety and health of our students and community are our top priorities in making these decisions.