EdTech Endorsement Course & Credit Overview for 2018-2020
We are nearing the end Round 2 of our Educational Technology Endorsement Course series. We will be announcing our 2020-22 schedule in Summer ’20. Take a moment to review the Educational Endorsement Program (ETEP) Requirements if necessary, but just remember that a total of 18 credit hours are needed, as well as attendance at an EdTech Conference to earn the endorsement. If you miss a course or come into the SEDC ETEP Cohort late, it’s not a problem – you can take other classes from UEN whenever they are offered or catch up on it later on with us.
View the current SEDC ETEP Endorsement Courses here.
As course registration becomes available, the course names listed below will link to the UEN Canvas registration page for each. Courses currently open for registration are in bold.
ETEP Courses for Fall ’18 – Summer ’20
*Optional course if you can make the dates and locations work for you.
**Acceptable Educational Technology Conferences include: Rural Schools (URSA), UCET, Edcamp, UELMA, ISTE or a district technology conference.
Looking for the overview of the courses that we offered from Fall 2016 – Summer 2018? You can find that here.